Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Santiago de Compostela

After a full days hike of nearly 30 km we hiked from a small town just east of Santiago to the aeroporto to await David's arrival from Seattle.  We took a taxi back to the pension, and after all getting settled back in had dinner at the Del Casa de Amancio.  Pardon not telling fotos of our feels but you'll have to trust the cerna y' patatas were tasty along with the house wine and a pastel Castelon (an almond cake) which can be eaten any time of day!
The next day we woke early before the break of day and walked the short day of 6km and change to the center of the city to the Cathederal of St. James, one if the 12 apostles. Upon arrival into the modern part of town David began to feel ill and so we took our time on this beautiful day as we were in no rush to find ourselves among the masses.  A time later when we did arrive a foot race e had begun outside of town and ended running through the historic part of the city and ending at the plaza right at the entrance to the cathedral.  The event however fantastic kind of stole the thunder from the peregrinos (pilgrims) who had trekked
Along the many hundreds of km's to this sacred spot, only now it was
Inundated with a mod of hundreds and blaring music.  So instead we made
Our way to peregrino center to receive our final sello (stamp) and have a hand enscribed Compostela made out with our names in Latin.  Next on the menu was to find some fresh fruit and cafĂ© con lechĂ© for the accomplishment, especially Pablo since he'd just achieved some 1001km, amazing!

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